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How to find us?

Navigation often leads down the wrong way, so please check a video and adetailed description of how to find us bellow

If You are driving from Kaunas:

After reaching the roundabout at the entrance to Birstonas, please take the first exit and drive in the direction of Vilnius. After driving about 7 km, You will see the cafe-bar Kletis on the right hand side. Just after You will reach the intersection Nemajunai – Jundeliskes, turn to Your left there – to Jundeliskes..

If You are driving from Vilnius:

After reaching the roundabout on the Jieznas – Alytus road, please take the second exit and drive in the direction of Birstonas. After a couple of kilometers You will cross the bridge of the river Verkne and after a couple of kilometers You will reach the intersection Nemajunai – Jundeliskes, turn to Yout right there – to Jundeliskes..
After turning onto Jundeliskes road at the “Y” intersection, please turn to the right and drive straight for about a kilometer. You reach the black gate, turn slightly to the right, pass a parking lot, You will see on the right – the pond of the river Verkne, on the left – metal garages, after passing them – a sharp turn to the left and You already reached Your destination.
Please park Your vehicle in the parking lot and do not drive on the grass all the way to the pods.
We are looking forward to welcome You at VasaRojus!
With warm greetings,
Sisters K&S 馃挌